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How to receive the GPO signal via using STM8L MCU?

Associate II

Hello.I have a question.I use the STM8L MCU to design my product.In the product, I also the ST25DV04K tag. Now I cannot receive the GPO signal in the stm8l15x_it.c.In the official demo about STM32F4,GPO signal is received by the function called BSP_GPO_Callback.But in my STM8L,I cannot use the official demo.So,how to solve the problem?


Accepted Solutions
Rene Lenerve
ST Employee

Hi @wxuan.1​,

There is no example with ST25DV and STM8L available on, all examples are provided with STM32, but you can find here examples with STM8L and EXTI, Then you need to use a global variable (As buttons in examples) in the interrupt handler (and as it is done in BSP_GPO_Callback).

Hope this can help you.

Best Regards.

View solution in original post


Figure out how to get an interrupt from a GPIO pin. Perhaps find an example and apply it here.​

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Associate II

In fact,I can not find a simple example about ST25DV for STM8L.

Rene Lenerve
ST Employee

Hi @wxuan.1​,

There is no example with ST25DV and STM8L available on, all examples are provided with STM32, but you can find here examples with STM8L and EXTI, Then you need to use a global variable (As buttons in examples) in the interrupt handler (and as it is done in BSP_GPO_Callback).

Hope this can help you.

Best Regards.