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Associate II
Posted on December 29, 2009 at 08:08


Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 10:16

STEVAL-IHM020V1 demoboard already purchased from Digikey, along with extra STCC08 chips board is meant to demonstrate.


Shipping box conatined a CDdisk which had NOTHING relevant to this board, but had everything for other ST demoboards - manuals, datasheets, software, Gerbers, board layout, etc. While manual+databrief are no problem & downloadable from ST website, the problem is where in the world is software/code (in C-language)? How is this called a Reference Design yet everything is missing in documentation. A new board, issued in late 2008 but enough time to document it, and is in full production.

I've seaarched everywhere but there's no softwaare/code download for it, yet Code is included on CDfor all other boards, what is this CD for then?

Last board listed on CDdisk ends on ...17, this board part# ends on 20 (STEVAL-IHM020V1), so obviously disk is not keeping up with new products.

Also why most other boards code is also just on a disk, but not downloadable, hilarious! I work with Microchip PIC Microcontrollers and their demoboards/MCU's all have software posted at Microchip website.

As a consequence I am stuck here for a week now, should I develop own software? Then why spend $135 on such board, if I have todo it all myself?

I need a code smippet which does AC switch Fault Detetcion this board is meant to demonstrate, I am so puzzled by STEVAL-IHM020V1.

I've developed with other, far more complex boards both from STmicro & Microchip companies, but STEVAL-IHM020V1 is really neglected. The IC chip it is meant to demonstrate is a wonderful ST device, which would save our company a major design effort, however the board demonstrating it needs some major answers also!

2) Why board designed for 230Volt, did not come with a tipsheet or any sort

of guidance to make it work with American 120Volt mains?? This is a not some switch-mode powersupply or anything that can take a range of 90-280Volt, NO - it will not work on 120Volt withour modifications, does anyone at ST realize?

The Fault Detector on this board will also NOT work unless several resistors are reduced by a facor of 2, to work on 120Volt versus 230volt. But I am not a power engineer, I can be mistaken so why hasn't ST included INSTRUCTIONS on modifying this entire board for 120Volt mains power?

Let me ask a more fundamental question:

Why is this product sold in this format in USA? This doiesn't work w/po modification, period, because this board is designed for 230V European voltage.

3) I hold your board in hands and see the following parts NOT installed,

versus schematics. Some of them are probably optional, but some as I see from schematics are better be installed, or is your shgcematics an idealized version which was scrapped to save on costs? Can your engineer comment on WHY these are on

schematics, but not installed on actual board:

R13, C14, R24, C4, C5, C6, C7; C10, C11, C12, R25, D10.

Programming Connector is there, but no software code in C lanuage, anywhere?!

4) I also purchased your STCC08 as separate IC chips, to play with on my own breadboard, in ADDITION to STEVAL-IHM020V1 It looked large enough in pictures! Received STCC08 & realized it's too small for my hands, soldering station, etc. - it's SMT formfactor, needs a magnifying glass and SMT Workstation which would take me a week to get from former boss and PAY for it. It's ironic because entire evolution of electornics is about shrinking size, however in this case it's hurting.

Of course we WILL use your STCC08 as SMT formfactor in production later.

But right now I need to make several prorotypes using hands & regular

soldering iron, just a few. But the tiny-sized IC I received from Digikey, cannot be “plugged� into a bread/protoboard. Instead has to be sodlered with specialized equipment.

My question is:

Can you offer this IC in a larger, DIP package or any kind of thruhole mounting so I can work with it with hands, without torture?

If not, can I get a littl eboard with it already soldered with PCb tracks to each pin/lead large enough to solder with a regular solderign iron? Once design is complete, then we can go back to SMT formfactor for mass quantity/production.

I’d like 2 samples of that larger package.

If samples are impossible, I'll buy 2 samples.

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 10:16

Hi, I'll comment:

1. I've asked ST engi team for the SW, the SW is however not that important, IMHO.

2. the design is made with respect to the limits of the ACST and STCC08, not to the region. Btw. which resistors do you need to change? And if so, which of them is so difficult to calculate or get from the datasheet? Myself, I learnt such calculations in the classes on the high school, nothing more than Ohm and Kirchhoff laws are needed.

3. not needed for testing, work only as conditioning of the digital signals and might distort/delay the reading. In harsh environment, they may be needed, though. R25/D10 not found on the schematics... ICC connector: how'd you program the MCU without it?

4. did you see the datasheet or ST web? There are all variants of the package, meaning just one (SO-8), with all dimensions. This can be easily soldered by hand and a soldering tip, buy for few bucks some extension PCB in your local electronic store, or try Google. No need to wait for weeks.

5. look for some colleague with regular equipment or little more experience in soldering. I am 30, glasses like hell and can solder it manually without magnifier.

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 10:16

You're incredibly LATE. This question has already been resolved for my by two ST engineers, and yes I got all Firmware, Gerbers, and so much information that was probably more than i asked - about 16 emails & attachments, and even personal emails form Ghafour Abdelaziz - the engineer who designed STCC08.

But thatnks for a response anyway. Let's close this thread now.

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 10:16

Not my ''home'' forum :-) Glad you resolved the request.

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 10:16