2019-08-17 5:02 AM
I'm evaluating the use of STP16DPPS05 in my LED driving application.
I'd like to drive two LEDs (wired in series) per channel at 5mA. The LEDs have a worst case forward voltage drop of 1.6V each. I intend to power the LEDs and the STP16DPPS05 with a 3.3V supply.
This means that I could be asking the STP16DPPS05 to regulate the current through its output pin to 5mA at 0.1V (=3.3-2*1.6). Can it do that?
Is the V_drop table and graph on page 15/36 of the STP16DPPS05's datasheet
( https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stp16dpps05.pdf ) showing me that the part can regulate 5mA of current through my LEDs down to an output pin voltage of 71mV with a 3.3V supply?