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TouchGFX OLED DC dimming/PWM for brightness control

Associate II


I'm looking to add a touch oled screen to be controlled by touchGFX and I want to be able to control the brightness of the display.

From what I've read, there's two main ways of achieving this: PWM and DC dimming.

It sounds like DC dimming provides better results albeit with poor color reproduction at lower brightness however PWM causes flickering to occur.

I'm trying to figure out how this functionality works in both the software end and the hardware end.

For hardware, I'm assuming that the STM32 alone won't be able to drive DC dimming and I would need an external pmic to control the power output to the display? For PWM would an internal PWM controller be able to control that?

As for software, TouchGFX should be able to provide the frameworks for controlling the brightness, or is that something that needs to be controlled in an underlying device driver in the operating system that TouchGFX interfaces with?
