2019-10-14 12:28 AM
I am using STUSB4500 Type C IC , I want to set the profile for 5V 3A.
I referred the code given in Github:
Same we have implemented in nrf52832 SDK, but its not getting programmed.
Any solution for this? How we can program through nrf52832?
2019-12-05 04:29 PM
The STUSB4500 is programmable through I2C Slave interface.
As long as the SoC you use has an I2C Master interface, you will be able to program the STUSB4500.
The code to program the STUSB4500 NVM is available here: STSW-STUSB004
It is also available here:
I saw that nRF52832 System-on-Chip has a 2-wire interface, which is compatible with I2C interface.
6.27 TWI — I2C compatible two-wire interface
The TWI master is compatible with I2C operating at 100 kHz and 400 kHz.
So you should be able to port easily the code to the nRF52832.
Best regards.