2020-02-08 10:40 PM
I designed BLDC motor driver 12v powered card with the STSPIN32F0 chip and developed my own software. My codes run smoothly on the STEVAL-SPIN3201 kit.
But on the own my card, 12v regulator outpus voltage inside chip didn't rised more than 1v.
When the bits 6 and 7 are 0 on the GPIOF port, I read zero volts at 12v output. When I write 1 to these bits, the regulator output rised to one volt.
Therefore, MOS drivers not working. But My card is runing and motor turning if I connect the regulator output pin to Vmot pin.
I changed 4 different STSPIN32F0. But 12v regulator didn't worked.
I think the my all ICs faulty, but can there be a trick that I ignored?
Note: 12v regulator outpus connected to 10uF and 100nF only. I dont use this voltage any where.