2010-11-26 2:19 PM
stm32 sensorless 24v brushed dc motor control
2011-05-17 1:20 AM
2011-05-17 1:20 AM
any answer?
2011-05-17 1:20 AM
first off all you must use single pwm channel to drive power mosfet with a mosfet predriver. ifyou want control direction another output pin can be arranged for direction information. in that case you must use a hbridge dc motor power circuitry.if you want control mmotor torque adaptively you can add a resistor between ground and mosfet. and you connect that pin wit a suitable current sense amplifier circuitry to adc input of mcu. you ccan change pwm freq according to current across on motor.
there a a lot of simple aplication codes at section examples library adc and pwm. you can adapt that codes for your aplication.2011-05-17 1:20 AM
FOC GUI refers to sensorless control of brush-less BLDC motor. Is that what you ment? By the way, it's still on the web, you can find it for instance at http://www.st.com/internet/mcu/product/164495.jsp Regards, Billino