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STEVAL-IPFC01V1 capacitor bank problem

Associate II

Dear all,

we are evaluating STEVAL-IPFC01V1 board which is a PFC converter and we are experiences

problems when we change capacitor bank to larger value. At default board is equipped with

4x470uF, which we later changed to 4x1000uF plus 4x470uF. If we do that the third MOSFET in a row is blown up every time on power up. Using eDesign tool there is no limitation for this king of

capacitance and even eDesigner did calculate even larger capacitance.

I also generated firmware from eDesigner, but it looks like, that Udc link voltage is raised to

450V with selected 400V DC link voltage. Could be this a bug in eDesigner or I have missed some

other feature.
