2019-04-04 7:58 PM
For this EVAL board, I see that there are 2 headers, one for JTAG [SWD] and one for Serial [UART] communications. It appears that these are just the raw digital 3.3 V logical connections from the MPU itself.
However, there is not a single example schematic of how to actually connect these to a computer.
I assume that for the UART connection, that one could simply use a low cost "Arduino"-style USB to 3.3V TTL adapter.
What is required, if anything for the JTAG connection? Are BOTH forms of communication required to do "motor profiling" and to custom program firmware for this board?
The product documentation is EXTREMELY vague on this topic:
from page 12/22 of DocID030514 Rev 1 :
6 Check the boards are correctly configured for motor control, supplied with an appropriate input voltage and connected with the serial communication cable and JTAG/SWD programming cable.
2019-04-05 12:32 AM
at the following address you can find all the details, it is in our website at the STEVAL-ESC001V1 webpage.
User manual UM2197 (https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/user_manual/group0/06/a3/c1/ae/7d/27/4c/e0/DM00384353/files/DM00384353.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.DM00384353.pdf)
For the firmware please download the X-CUBE-MCSDK. For this board I suggest to visit the "Drone Zone" section in this forum, it contains more info about it.
Best regards,
Giuseppe Scuderi