2020-02-20 4:51 AM
Hello Everyone,
We are having an issue with STC3115 (fuel gauge). We are connect Nrf51822(as Master) and stc3115 (as slave). we are read the device address from 0 to 127 . we got (I2C device found at address 0x70) from slave (stc3115) and then we read device id in the address of (STC3115_REG_ID 0x18) but we got (NACK) from slave . and then device does not startup.
1. https://github.com/st-sw/STC3115GenericDriver Library.
2.nrf51822 i2c master
1.sda (master-nrf51822) ->4.7k->sda(slave-stc3115)
2.scl (master-nrf51822) ->4.7k ->scl(slave-stc3115)
3.RSTO pin connect with 10k resistor (Pull Up)
My code is:
//Check I2C is working and Fuel gauge device connected
status = STC3115_CheckI2cDeviceId();
SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, "staus: %d\n", status);
if (status != 0) //error
if(status == -1)
printf(0,"STC3115: I2C error\n");
#ifdef DEBUG
//wait to simulate the whole application restart
while( GasGaugeTimerFinished() != 1);
goto GasGauge_Restart;
else if(status == -2)
printf(0,"STC3115: Wrong device detected\n");
printf(0,"STC3115: Unknown Hardware error\n");
return -1; //return on error
//Check Gasgauge is powered up & ready, and first measurement (V, I) is done (i.e. wait CounterValue is 3 or more)
for(i=0; i<20; i++) //check for 20*100ms = 2s
//CounterValue = STC3115_GetRunningCounter();
if(CounterValue >= 3) //ok, device ready
break; //exit loop
else if(CounterValue < 0) //communication Error
printf(0,"STC3115: Error power up.\n");
goto GasGauge_Restart;
if(CounterValue < 3) //timeout, the devise has not started
printf(0,"STC3115: Error power up.\n");
//goto GasGauge_Restart;
//Call STC3115 driver init&start function
status = GasGauge_Initialization(&STC3115_ConfigData, &STC3115_BatteryData);
if(status!=0 && status!=-2)
SEGGER_RTT_WriteString(0,"STC3115: Error in GasGauge_Initialization\n");
return -1; //return on error
#ifdef DEBUG
//Check Gasgauge is running (also checked in GasGauge_Task)
for(i=0; i<20; i++)
CounterValue = STC3115_GetRunningCounter();
if(CounterValue > 3) //Gas gauge COUNTER stays at value '3' after power up or Soft Reset, if not running
break; //exit loop
if(CounterValue <= 3)
printf("STC3115: Error, GasGauge not running. Check your hardware.\n");
goto GasGauge_Restart;
while(1) //main infinite loop
if(GasGauge_HardwareShutDown == 1) //Completely shutdown the platform and the Gas gauge. (not recommended, it is better to let the Gas Gauge running connected to battery)
GasGauge_HardwareShutDown = 0;
status = GasGauge_Stop(); //stop the Gas gauge but keep its RAM content
if(status != 0)SEGGER_RTT_WriteString(0,"STC3115: Error in GasGauge_Stop\n");
#ifdef DEBUG
//wait to simulate the application is powered off for a couple of time
while( GasGaugeTimerFinished() != 1);
goto GasGauge_Restart;
return 0;
else if(GasGauge_UnknowError == 1)
GasGauge_UnknowError = 0;
status = GasGauge_Reset(); //Reset the Gasgauge without disconnecting the battery
if(status != 0) printf(0,"STC3115: Error in GasGauge_Reset\n");
goto GasGauge_Restart;
else //normal case
if(GasGaugeTimerFinished() == 1) //every 5s
/* if(GasGauge_ChangeLowPowerMode == 1) //switch between Voltage mode and Mixed mode
GasGauge_ChangeLowPowerMode = 0;
//Call task function
status = GasGauge_Task(&STC3115_ConfigData, &STC3115_BatteryData); /* process gas gauge algorithm, returns results */
if (status > 0) //OK, new data available
/* printf("Battery: SoC=%i %%, Vbat=%i mV, I=%i mA, Cap=%i mAh, T=%i °C, Pres=%i ALM=%i , CCounter=%d, Time=%d s \r\n",
STC3115_BatteryData.SOC * 0.1,
STC3115_BatteryData.StatusWord >> 13,
STC3115_BatteryData.ConvCounter * 0.5 //elapsed time since gas gauge started
SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"Vbat=%i mV",STC3115_BatteryData.Voltage);
else if(status == 0) //only previous SOC, OCV and voltage are valid
printf("Battery: Previous_SoC=%i %%, Vbat=%i mV, OCV=%i mV, T=%i °C \r\n",
STC3115_BatteryData.SOC * 0.1,
else if(status == -1) //error occured
if(STC3115_BatteryData.Presence == 0)
{ /* Battery disconnection has been detected */
printf(0,"STC3115 Error: Battery disconnected, or BATD pin level is over 1.61, or Vcc is below 2.7V \r\n");
printf("STC3115: I2C failure \r\n");
} // END Timer finished
//Do other Tasks here ...
} //END normal case
}//END loop
I am always Getting STC3115: Wrong device detected
What is the problem ?