2007-06-06 8:30 PM
Sinusoidal Control of 3 Phase BLDC motor SENSORLESS
2011-05-17 1:14 AM
I finnaly got my 3kW BLDC compressor working. unfortunately it's very noisy. I talked to the supplier and was told to use sinusoidal control. That's the problem! I have no idea, if it's possible or not with 7FMC2. I found library to run BLDC sinusoidal with 1 hall, but I don't know how to modify it for sensorless or if it's even possible. Most probably I'm looking for http://america.renesas.com/media/applications/digital_home/white_goods/IATC_presentation.ppt control. Regards, Filip [ This message was edited by: streiblf on 01-06-2007 15:15 ]