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Nucleo ihm001

Associate II
Posted on March 30, 2016 at 20:21

Anyone had any luck getting the example project compiled and running for the Nucleo-IHM001? The binaries work fine respectively in both 6step and FOC modes. However when the example provided with SPN7V1.0.0 is compiled and downloaded the motor justjumps arounderratically...

...\STNUCLEO_Motor_eval_kit\STM32CubeExpansion_SPN7_V1.0.0\Projects\Multi\Examples\MotorControl\MDK-ARM\STM32F302R8-Nucleo The jumpers are configured for 6step of course, andthe motor motor parameters appear to be correct in MC_SixStep_param.h-

#define NUM_POLE_PAIRS 7 /*!< Number of Motor Pole pairs */ 
#define DIRECTION 0 /*!< Set motor direction CW = 0 and CCW = 1*/ 
#define TARGET_SPEED 3000 /*!< Target speed in closed loop control */ 
#define POTENTIOMETER 1 /*!< Enable (1)/Disable (0) the potentiometer */

#ihm001 #ihm001 #p-nucleo-ihm001
Associate II
Posted on April 07, 2016 at 16:01

Just to save another person from wasting their time on the IHM001, ST online support confirmed the below example is known broken. Funny that is known broken, yet you can still download it.

Associate II
Posted on April 11, 2016 at 19:52

Hi Gigi,

I received the IPM15b and spent last night trying to get it to run with stm3240G eval. No luck.

I want to go back to the IHM001 and very specifically determine what it is that I am doing wrong, surely I must be doing something silly as other users such as Nakayam.Ren was able to get an IHM001 to show signs of life in his post using MDK-arm and the example project provided with the FOC sdk.

So I have motor control workbench v4.2.0, I open the example ''LowInductanceMotor-7-PolesPairs'' and I generate code storing these .h/.c files to:

''..\STM32 PMSM FOC LIBv4.2\Web\SystemDriveParams\''

I then make a copy of, and open the example ''..\STM32 PMSM FOC LIBv4.2\Web\Project\MDK-ARM\UserProject\STM32F30x_UserProject.uvprojx''.

I check that mdk-arm is correctly using the .h/.c files that workbench just generated.

I compile and it fails to compile due to 32k limited size. So I turn off the ''optimize for time'' and compile again to get ~30k flash size.

I try to download and it fails due to wrong uC. I change from STM32F302C8 to STM32F302R8 and configure mdk accordingly to this uC in debug conifguration tab in MDK. I recompile and download. Press the blue button on the Nucleo and nothing happens.

I go back to MDK arm and find the Xtal is set to 12Mhz, the schematics show a 8Mhz Xtal. Recompile and download. Still nothing. I am seeing com1 and com3 in the serial communication window and I am trying to different baudrates, never does it connect to the IHM001 serially and never does the motor show any signs of life when the blue button is pressed.

I change the uC operating fequency from 72Mhz to 10Mhz to match the previous example project. Still nothing.

Any ideas?

Associate II
Posted on April 11, 2016 at 19:53

ST Employee
Posted on April 12, 2016 at 10:34

Ciao Jack

The stand alone FOC FW didn't manage the start of the motor using the button. At the moment the management of the start button is embedded in the LCD code that you have to disable working with the Nucleo board.

So the best way to send command to the FW (like start motor or set speed) is with the serial communication. Usually with the default configuration of the WB project for the NUCLEO kit the serial communication shall work.

When you connect the Nucleo a COM port shall appear in the list and you have to use that COM port with the WB to establish the communication. It is important that you use the same baud rate in the configuration and in the monitor.

I know that in some case update the ST Link version embedded in the Nucleo board can solve some communication problems. SO you can use the ST Link utility to update the ST Link version.

Good luck.



Associate II
Posted on April 12, 2016 at 22:17

Thanks Gigi, I uninstalled and reinstalled motor control workbench and st link utility. Updated ST-link flash. I can get serial communication now but only after quite a bit of project configuration changes in mdk-arm.

The error I get now is 'speed feedback'. I have been making changes to WB project and nothing seems to help. I am applying a clean 11V rail. I am trying to ramp to 3000rpm. Nothing seems to help.

ST Employee
Posted on April 13, 2016 at 09:53

Ciao Jack

Usually starting from the provided example and using the default configuration HW + Motor provided with the kit, the system shall work.

Try to use the

P-NUCLEO-IHM001-BullRunning workbench example and P-NUCLEO kit with the provided motor configuring correctly the jumper for the Three shunt FOC.

11V is ok for that motor.

In normal operation this shall be sufficient to spin the motor. Then if you send ramp command down to slow speed probably the ''Speed feedback'' occurs.



Associate II
Posted on April 13, 2016 at 15:41

Thank you Gigi, BullRunning example works. -Jack