2015-01-28 10:55 PM
hye, i have missing files of MCLibrary_src in motor control library. i found error during building code. i have attatched errors photo . please see it, and please help me.
thanks2015-02-01 3:00 AM
hye , anybody please help me, my projcet subission deadline is coming close..
2015-03-20 8:43 AM
It seems strange because the SW-STM32100 that you can download from the st website is the so called ''web'' distribution and it doesn't have the MCLibrary_src because it is provided compiled for safety reason (you can ask to nearest ST support office for the source code) But in the same time the workspace provided with this distribution has been done to link the compiled library and not the source code. So I suspect that you did some modification to the version that you have installed and I suggest to disinstall the library, maybe clear the installation floder if required, and re-install the SW-STM32100. Ciao Gigi2015-04-01 12:15 PM
2015-04-01 11:56 PM
Starting from v4.0 batch build is no more necessary for WEB distribution. Ciao Gigi