2011-01-10 11:17 AM
MCKIT - more detailed explanation / documentation for single shunt method required
2011-05-17 1:20 AM
Ciao Tobias,
the single shunt current reading method implemented in the STM32 FOC lib. 2.0 has been patented by ST and the related support on the code must follow the standard ST procedure. This means that you have to contact the most near ST sales office or support team. Which is your distributor - geographic location? Ciao Gigi2011-05-17 1:20 AM
I basically don't want to implement the patented software including the distortion-feature. I'd just like to understand the principle of how to measure the current twice, during on complete PWM cycle. (I don't need the current measurement in ''complicated sectors / boundarys).
I'd be glad if someone could explane the principle of triggering / retriggering the ADC1-injection twice a pwm cycle. As I understand ADC1's injected channel is used to measure the shunt voltage twice during on complete PWM period. Basically I see the CC4-event triggers the injected channel, but in theory there should be a CC4-Event for the first measurement, and one for the second. Can someone tell me how to enable the first injected trigger, and the how to set the trigger for the second measurement again? thanks a lot!2011-05-17 1:20 AM
Ciao Tobias.
To perform the dual sampling outside the boundary zone the principle applied in the MC library is that a DMA transaction change on the fly the output compare register of the fourth channel of TIM1 (used as ADC triggering). This DMA event is triggered by first match of output compare register with timer counter. In this way is possible to generate a little glitch (able to trigger the first sampling) on first match and a second trigger on second match. I hope that this information can be useful Ciao Gigi