on 2023-05-11 1:00 AM
FOD tuning is required for both Rx and TX. The TX assumes the role to trigger FOD. Both of our Tx devices support FOD and the tuning. Based on the application, ST Rx devices need to be fine-tuned in terms of adjustment of the accuracy of the Received Power Packet which is sent periodically to the Tx and used by Tx for FOD evaluation.
Hello, I just finished setting FOD parameter from the TX's side
But I omitted setting the RX side's FOD parameter.
I tested several FO's that i set out to detect and send EPT's.
It worked fine, the power transmitting terminated when FO-detected.
In this case, why should I consider the RX's side FOD parameter when it is already working fine?
Will It matters when connecting the Wireless charging IC with computer and reading the received power ?
No offense, I am just curious that too many FO's I tested, so I am finding if there's any shortcut.
Any reply is welcomed, thank you.