2023-03-22 3:40 AM
I'm using the Software library "STSW-STUSB003" to configure STUSB4500 PDOs,
I use the STEVAL-ISC005V1 with the stm32F072RB. my program works, I manage to modify the PDOs to get the desired voltage.
But when the evaluation kit is disconnected, it reverts to previous configuration. So I can't configure the PDO permanently except using the "STSW-STUSB002" GUI
I only use I2c signals between the stm32 and the eval kit.
I'm using this function from "USB_PD_core.h" to set PDOs
Update_Valid_PDO_Number( Usb_Port, 3 );
Update_PDO(Usb_Port, 1, PDO_V1, PDO_I1);
Update_PDO(Usb_Port, 2, PDO_V2, PDO_I2);
Update_PDO(Usb_Port, 3, PDO_V3,PDO_ I3);
2023-03-22 3:57 AM
STSW-STUSB003 is a software library to be used for dynamic power profile modification, and it is not saving permanently the configuration indeed.
But from st.com, you can also download a utility called STSW-STUSB004, to be used to translate the configuration defined with STSW-STUSB002 GUI into the Non Volatile Memory of the IC. This will make the change effective at every Power On Reset.
2023-03-22 4:07 AM
Ok Thank you for your reply !