2015-02-06 8:05 PM
2015-02-06 9:18 PM
hye, are you using motor control library?
2015-02-09 7:18 AM
I am not sure if this belongs to ST motor control library, but I am creating my project from this example project in the library
\STM32Cube_FW_F0_V1.1.0\Projects\STM32F0308-Discovery\Examples\TIM\TIM_ComplementarySignals2015-03-20 9:01 AM
You can find the Motor Control Library The problematic to synchronize the ADC sampling with the PWM period is covered, but in the WEB site you can find only the compiled version so you need to ask for the source code to your nearest ST support office. Otherwise you can ask this to the STM32 forum. Ciao Gigi