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Why there is an inconsistent bewteen the label information and the marking information?

Associate III

Why there is an inconsistent bewteen the label information and the marking information?We find the marking should be ,Judging from the label, its marking should be "STR712FR2", but actually its marking on the device is "ST712FR2".Why? If this is normal?0693W00000VO8ZQQA1.png

ST Employee

The STR712FR2 has long been discontinued, but there were several variants of the STR712FR2T6, including one with suffix $U5. This suffix has no technical relevance and is only used internally.

It is correct, however, that the laser marking on the $U5 variant was ST712FR2, on other variants also STR712FR2. Since these parts have long been discontinued, it is unfortunately no longer possible to determine why a different marking is printed on the label.

Does it answer your question?



P.S.: it's not a legacy MCU anymore but a discuntinued one, so I changed the topic to "Discontinued Products".

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The only tag is still "Legacy MCUs". And those are tags regardless of how FailForce mixes up names for obvious things...

@Piranha​ even if this is a bit off-topic: when starting a question with "Post To", you can very well choose in which section it should appear:

  • ...
  • Legacy MCUs
  • ST Power Studio
  • Switches and Multiplexers
  • Discontinued Products


If you think that names are being mixed up, you are welcome to ask your own question about this.

In order to give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.

Oh, now I see what you mean: I must have accidentally not saved the change to the new label. Sorry for the confusion.

In order to give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.

With mixed names I meant the FailForce's naming of:

  1. Tags as "topics".
  2. Topics as "questions".
  3. Topic subject as "question".
  4. Topic text as "details".

The best quote regarding this insanity:

> You wrote "You are not supposed to ask question in the "ask question" field."

> Is that a joke ? Read it again.