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Using Wi-Fi on STWINBX1 and Sending Notifications to MQTTX Server

Associate III

Hello everyone,

I am working on a project using the STWINBX1 (STEVAL-STWINBX1) development kit, which includes the MXCHIP EMW3080 Wi-Fi module. My goal is to connect the board to a Wi-Fi network and send notifications (printed messages) to my MQTTX server wirelessly.

I am trying to:

  1. Activate and configure the Wi-Fi module (MXCHIP EMW3080) on the STWINBX1 board.
  2. Connect the board to my Wi-Fi network using the credentials:
    • SSID
    • Password
  3. Send printed messages from the board to my MQTTX server using MQTT.
    • MQTTX Server Details:
      • Host
      • Port
      • Client ID

I’ve found some general information but could use more detailed references or guides to help me complete the task. Does anyone have any helpful links, articles, or documentation on:

  • Setting up the MXCHIP EMW3080 module with STM32 (preferably using SPI).
  • Using AT commands to manage Wi-Fi and MQTT communication.
  • Integrating MQTT clients with STM32 and Wi-Fi modules.

Your input would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

The best you can do is outsource this task to somebody who knows this or similar wi-fi module and can provide you the interface code quickly and with high quality. Here you can summon help.



@Pavel A. 

I know about that site, but I’m not looking for paid work. I want to learn and do the work myself. I’m a student, and this is my actual project—I’m already halfway there. But thanks anyway!

So, you want to do the work yourself but still asking for help. On that site you can request help for any part of the work, such as research of certain documentation or adaptation of some opensource library. Good luck.

@Pavel A. "Asking for help", shocking isn't it, on a community help forum too! ;)

@Mahdouch wrote:

I am working on a project using the STWINBX1 (STEVAL-STWINBX1) development kit, which includes the MXCHIP EMW3080 Wi-Fi module

So, presumably, the code which ST supply for that kit must include driving the WiFi module?

Can you not work from that?

See also X-WIFI-EMW3080B ?


@Mahdouch wrote:

Does anyone have any helpful links, articles, or documentation on:

  • Setting up the MXCHIP EMW3080 module with STM32 (preferably using SPI).

The module neither knows nor cares what microcontroller you use; it works as described in its documentation - irrespective of what microcontroller you use


Similarly MQTT just needs a TCP/IP link - it's oblivious to how that link is implemented.

@Andrew Neil 

Useful Links, 

Thank you for your Help