2003-10-17 4:36 AM
Using CapCom31 without triggering A/D channel inject on ST10F280
2003-10-17 4:36 AM
I am coding on an ST10F280 and using both CapCom31 (P7.7) and A/D channel injection. I read that triggering CC31 automatically sets ADCRQ, but I need to find a way to prevent this when I do not want to use channel injection.
1) Is there some way to prevent CC31 from setting ADCRQ? 2) I am presently setting ADCIN (enable channel inject) of the ADCON register right before I attempt a channel inject, and then clearing it immediately after. However, this method still seems to allow one last channel injection before the ADCIN setting takes effect. If I can prevent this, I can get around issue #1. Any ideas?