2004-05-17 7:45 AM
2011-05-17 3:00 AM
I don't know if anybody have tried to compile the uPSD DK3200 USB-example! because it isn't possible to compile! to much source code for the supported DevKit DemoVersion of Keil C-Compiler! What about people which do not have a full version! Must i buy one??? or are there other possibilities! Best regards DANIEL [ This message was edited by: daniel24 on 17-05-2004 16:15 ]2011-05-17 3:00 AM
The latest released (April 2004) version of the USB demo code is available at:
It compiles to around 5.5K bytes. The zip file containing the demo code also includes the compiled image in a hex file. Using PSDsoft Express and FlashLink (included in the DK3200 kit), you can load the demo program (hex file) into the memory on the 32xx device on your DK3200 board and try it. [ This message was edited by: uPSD on 17-05-2004 20:16 ]