2003-12-01 8:29 PM
2003-11-30 10:30 PM
We're trying to use a USB mouse with RTOS RTUSB-32 by On-Time. Atlas USB controller is detected, but there isn't power on USB connector. Atlas POWERON pin is always at 0V.
Is there any register to be set to enable POWERON signal ?2003-12-01 3:13 AM
Normally, the Poweron is detected through the poweron signal of the STPC. There is no register that needs to be set.
One thing that you need to be carefull about is the implementation. I recommend that you look at the board schematics for the details.2003-12-01 8:29 PM
Hi Stephen,
thank you for your answer! We are working on the evaluation board ATLASISABD. According to page 17/111 of STPC ATLAS datasheet (Issue 1.0 - July 24, 2002) the POWERON signal is an Output and its default after reset (page 28/111) is LOW. Can you confirm this ? If so how can we drive this signal HIGH in order to enable USB_VCC on TPS2014 (power distrubution switch). We don't have any BIOS, but we initialize ATLAS registers with prim_bl.zip (downloaded from ST web site). Waiting your answer, best regards