2004-04-15 7:34 AM
2011-05-17 2:59 AM
I've been trying to program uPSD3254A. I managed to do that for three days and then kept failing. I checked the connections between its pins and the circuit I built.
VCC and GND are supplied (5), Oscillator is plugged correctly (although when checking with scope there aren't any pulses), and I managed to program other micro devices from uPSD3200 (the uPSD3234A) with the same FlashLink device. When i try to program the 3254A it gives me the following error: The part is incorrect (Instruction Register) I am positive I verified I am programming this one and not any other microco. when I try again - The part is busy due to previous activities. what should I do?2011-05-17 2:59 AM
Via JTAG programming, you don't need the device's oscillator running as JTAG has its own clock. You, of course, need to get that working if you want to run the code on the processor.
Please double check in PSDsoft from the JTAG-ISP Operations window (upper right hand side) that you have selected the uPSD3354. Even if it is already selected, just go through the process and select it again. Also try the ''connect test'' to see if the JTAG scan connection is working. (This will run some data out of the Flashlink device on TDI and make sure it receives it back on TDO.) If the connect test does not pass (the data did not match), then double check your JTAG connections to Flashlink and also to the 3354. Until you get the connect test to pass, obviously, you will not be able to program the device. I suggest you contactmailto:apps.psd@st.com
if you would like direct support from STMicroelectronics versus help from the uPSD user community. When sending e-mail to us, please include your name, company name, address (city, state, country...), phone number, application, projected annual volume, and production start date.