2013-03-17 7:21 AM
Dear Colleagues,
My initialisation file is attached below. I have configuren 4 timer for PWM and UART0 for communication. The timers are working fine, but the UART does not give me any interrupt when 8 (or even more...) bytes come into the FIFO. Any idea what am I missing here? I checked up everything else, it must be some initialisation mistake....SCU_MCLKSourceConfig(SCU_MCLK_OSC); /* Default configuration */
FMI_Config(FMI_READ_WAIT_STATE_2, FMI_WRITE_WAIT_STATE_0, FMI_PWD_ENABLE,\ FMI_LVD_ENABLE, FMI_FREQ_HIGH);/*Insert 2 Wait States for read*/ SCU_PLLFactorsConfig(192, 25, 2); /* PLL factors Configuration based on*/ /* a OSC/Crystal value = 25Mhz*/ SCU_PLLCmd(ENABLE); /* PLL Enable and wait for Locking*/ SCU_RCLKDivisorConfig(SCU_RCLK_Div1); /* RCLK @96Mhz */ SCU_HCLKDivisorConfig(SCU_HCLK_Div1); /* AHB @96Mhz */ SCU_FMICLKDivisorConfig(SCU_FMICLK_Div1);/* FMI @96Mhz */ SCU_PCLKDivisorConfig(SCU_PCLK_Div2); /* APB @48Mhz */ SCU_MCLKSourceConfig(SCU_MCLK_PLL); /* MCLK @96Mhz */ SCU_AHBPeriphClockConfig(__VIC,ENABLE); SCU_APBPeriphClockConfig(__GPIO6, ENABLE); SCU_APBPeriphClockConfig(__UART0, ENABLE); SCU_APBPeriphClockConfig(__TIM01, ENABLE); SCU_APBPeriphClockConfig(__TIM23, ENABLE); _DeInit(UART0); UART_InitStructure.UART_WordLength = UART_WordLength_8D; UART_InitStructure.UART_StopBits = UART_StopBits_1; UART_InitStructure.UART_Parity = UART_Parity_No; UART_InitStructure.UART_BaudRate = 115200; UART_InitStructure.UART_HardwareFlowControl = UART_HardwareFlowControl_None; UART_InitStructure.UART_Mode = UART_Mode_Tx_Rx; UART_InitStructure.UART_FIFO = UART_FIFO_Enable; UART_InitStructure.UART_TxFIFOLevel = UART_FIFOLevel_7_8; // TX...ha nagyon betellik... UART_InitStructure.UART_RxFIFOLevel = UART_FIFOLevel_1_2; // 8 byte -os csomagokat fogok mindeg kuldeni UART_Init(UART0, &UART_InitStructure); UART_ITConfig(UART0, UART_IT_Receive , ENABLE); UART_Cmd(UART0, ENABLE);VIC_DeInit();
VIC_InitDefaultVectors(); VIC_Config(UART0_ITLine, VIC_IRQ, 0); VIC_ITCmd(UART0_ITLine, ENABLE); #uart-init-problem-str9122013-03-17 8:37 AM
I missed the RX pin number (didn't want spam that much so i left out the complete config part)....
Funny thing is that it took me 1 day to debug and I saw the issues immidiately as soon as I posted it here ;)