2006-03-27 1:08 AM
UART status register set overrun but RXFIFO empty
2006-03-23 2:38 AM
This is my state : uart->SR = 0xA6 // means : TimeoutIdle|OverrunError|TxHalfEmpty|TxEmpty My uart->IER = 107 // means RxHalfFull|TxHalfEmpty|TxEmpty My uart handler wakeup by the TxEmpty interrupt and noticed there is a UART overrun error. I don't know why. So I clear the SR, the overrun bit and I record the problem. After the next TxEmpty interrupt call. The overrun bit is still set. Why? Is there a good reason for it. Why the overrun bit is set and the RxFifo empty ? Can I read Status Register bit that are not set in the Interrupt Enable Register ? The Overrun bit is almost set each time the handler is call. This happened only when I send data during initialisation of our software. Thanks,