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UART and Stop Bits

Associate II
Posted on February 17, 2006 at 00:49

UART and Stop Bits

Associate II
Posted on February 17, 2006 at 00:49

The number of stop bits is the same for both TX and RX on the STR71x UARTs.

Normally Stop bits only effect UART TX and maybe RX framing errors.

For safe sommunications (ie unlikely to give problems) we normally tx with 2 stop bits and receive either 1 or 2 stop bits.

But if 2 stop bits are selected with UART and it receives only 1 stop bit it screws up the characters rather than just generating a framing error.

Is there any trick to make uart work with another device when it may be using 1 or 2 stop bits and still make the UART send 2 stop bits incase other end needs it ?