2005-07-24 10:45 PM
2005-07-12 9:47 PM
I write an aplication using 2 UARTS and timer. The UART0 and UART1 are full interrupt controlled. I use UART0 to send and get commands to target device. UART1 is used to communicate with an external device over RS485. UART1 send a comand and receive the response ( all via interrupt handlers ). After receiving it send a new command and so on. The behaviour is the following: The application run ca. 20sec. Than the EIC->IER bit of UART1 is reset. The rest of the aplication works well (inclusive the timer interrupt) but I don't get interrupts from UART1. Sometimes UART0 isn't working too. When I enable the EIC->IER bit of UART1 again UART1 doesn't work again. The regiter values of UART1 seems OK. Do you have an idea why the EIC->IER bit is reset? Some aditional informations: In normal working state the EIC register is 0x1C0C01. When UART1 stops the EIC register is 0x1C0801. The interrupt pending register is 0x180001 when UART1 stops I check the IRQ, and C-Stack -> OK I changed the interrupt priority -> no chaning I removed all code wich disable flags in EIC->IER -> no changing2005-07-17 9:08 PM
I finished a application with full duplex communication.It works well.I give you some info as bellow:
1. The receive interrupt is enable all the time 2. The Tx interrupt and TimeOut interrupt are enabled by the programwhen you need. 3.In void UART0_IRQHandler(void) { u16 wFlag; wFlag = UART_FlagStatus(UART0) ; if(wFlag & UART_RxBufFull) { do something; } else if(wFlag & UART_TimeOutIdle ) { do something; } else if(wFlag & UART_TxEmpty) { do something; } else{}; } That's all.It's simple.isn't it?2005-07-24 10:45 PM
I didn't find the bug, but now the aplplication works. I removed all object files a build the application again. Now it works without errors.