2007-07-10 02:24 AM
2011-05-17 12:45 AM
I need timer interupt 1us. How I do it this?
2011-05-17 12:45 AM
if you set TIM0_OC2R = TIM0_OC1R = YOUR_VALUE you generate a 50% Duty-Cycle on your timer. (Route it on a Port Pin an you'll see it) With YOUR_VALUE you'll setting up the time an irq occurs. I work with this solution: void init_timer_0 (void) { SCU_PRR1 |= 0x1; // Disable Reset from timer 0 SCU_PCGR1 |= 0x1; // Clock enabling to timer 0 TIM0_CR1 |= 0x40; // Enable Output Compare TIM0_CR1 |= 0x10; // Enable PWM TIM0_CR2 = 0x007f; // Set the prescaler to PCLK/256 TIM0_CR1 |= 0x100; // Outputlevel 1 TIM0_CR1 &=~ 0x200; // Outputlevel 2 TIM0_OC2R = 0xf5; // Set the Period of the signal (1ms @ 16MHz) TIM0_OC1R = 0xf5; // Set the lenght of the Pulse (1ms @ 16MHz) TIM0_CR2 |= 0x800; // Enable the Interrupt, when a match occurs VIC0_VA4R = (unsigned int)irq_handler_timer0; // Set the address of the timer 0 ISR VIC0_VC4R = 0x24; // Use slot 4 for timer 0 interrupt VIC0_INTER |= 0x10; // Enable Timer 0 IRQ (Bit 4) } void irq_handler_timer0(void) // Generated by Timer 0 { // your code here VIC0_VAR = 0; // Acknowledge Interrupt VIC0 VIC1_VAR = 0; // Acknowledge Interrupt VIC1 TIM0_SR =0; // Delete the interrupt bit at the End of the irq-routine!!! }