2007-05-23 1:45 AM
Timer 1 ms with STR75 and Raisonance print
2007-05-22 6:21 AM
Hello everybody,
I'm trying to create a 1ms timer with a STR750 microcontroller. void TB_Configuration(void) { /* TB configuration in Timing mode */ TB_InitStructure.TB_Mode = TB_Mode_Timing; TB_InitStructure.TB_ClockSource = TB_ClockSource_CKTIM; TB_InitStructure.TB_Prescaler = 29; /* TB clock = 60MHz / (29 +1) = 2 MHz*/ TB_InitStructure.TB_CounterMode = TB_CounterMode_Up; TB_InitStructure.TB_AutoReload = 19; /* update each: 2 MHz/(19+1)= 100 KHZ ---> 10 us */ TB_Init(&TB_InitStructure); TB_ITConfig(TB_IT_Update, ENABLE);/* Enable TB update interrupt */ TB_Cmd(ENABLE); /* Enable TB counter */ } /* ******************************************* */ .... //EIC ENABLE /* ******************************************* */ void TB_IRQHandler(void) { INC_10us++; TB_ClearITPendingBit(TB_IT_Update); } Works/* ******************************************* */ void WaitClock(u16 time) { while (INC_10us < time) { Here is the problem print('' INC_10us: %d \r'',INC_10us);[/B] // Raisonance print } INC_10us = 0; //Reset counter } /* ******************************************* */ main { ... // INIT while(1) { WaitClock(100); // Wait 10 * 100us = 1ms } } ProblemIn the function WaitClock, when I don't use the function print, i'm stuck in the while of the function. When I use the function print, it works, but the timer is a 20 ms timer instead of a 1 ms timer. Of course, I'd prefer not to use the function print. Is there an obvious mistake ? Did anyone have the same problem ? Thank you again. -Xavier2007-05-23 1:45 AM
First problem solved : print function takes too long :-? . I have a 1 ms timer:). Second problem : This works... but it's ugly... It's the best I can do for now? ------------------------------------------------- void WaitClock(u16 time) { while (INC_10us < time) { Here is the problem GPIO_WriteBit(GPIO0, GPIO_Pin_4, 0);} INC_10us = 0; //Reset counter } ------------------------------------------------- Why this doesn't work ?: void WaitClock(u16 time) { while (INC_10us < time); INC_10us = 0; //Reset counter }