2004-11-25 12:55 AM
Time Base with TIMERB of ST7 F 324J6B
2004-11-23 8:14 PM
2004-11-23 8:41 PM
Could you check/attach your interrupt vector table and try with the example code below for 1 millisecond:
void Timer_Init(void) { TAOC1HR = 0x03; TAOC1LR = 0xe8; TAOC2HR = 0x07; TAOC2LR = 0xD0; TACR1 = 0x40; // ; Timer output compare interrupt enabled TACR2 = 0x08; // ; Timer counter clock is CPU clk/8 } @interrupt void Timer_IT_Routine(void) { unsigned char temp; if(TACSR & 0x48) { temp = TACSR; temp = TAOC1LR; temp = TAOC2LR; TACLR = 0x00; } }2004-11-23 9:11 PM
2004-11-23 10:09 PM
Yes you can do it either way. Its just an example.
2004-11-25 12:55 AM