2004-01-07 2:14 AM
2011-05-17 2:57 AM
Please I’m trying to jump from the secondary flash to primary, but I can’t do it:
Using PSDsoft express I configured the flash in the following adress: Main Flash (Data) FS0 – 8000 ~ 9fff FS1 – 8000 ~ 9fff FS2 – 8000 ~ 9fff Secondary Flash (Code) CSBOOT0 – 0 ~ 1fff CSBOOT1 – 2000~ 3fff I make a simple program just to write something at LCD and I write it in the main flash (FS0) and in the CSBOOT0 I tried to change the state of Main flash from data to code and the secondary flash from code to data using the commands below: PSD8xx_reg.PAGE = 0; PSD8xx_reg.VM = 0x0C; My idea after it, is run the program existed in the main flash, but it doesn’t work. PLEASE somebody can help me ?2011-05-17 2:57 AM
i think u should use the memory map as folows. fs0: 8000-9fff !swap (page register bit 7 used as logic) 0000-1fff swap csboot0: 0000-1fff !swap 8000 -9fff swap now whenver u want to execute from FS0, u can bring it into the code space by setting the page reg bit 7 & set the VM reg accordingly.. .At reset/poweron page reg value will always be 0 ,so by default CSBOOT0 will be in code space( make the seetings in PSD soft accordingly). Purvi