2011-03-08 1:38 AM
Anybody know were I can download STVD 4.2.1 the ST website has release notes for 4.2.1 but only has 4.2.0 as a download.
I beleive there is a bug in the obsend operation, which is the npart I am having problems with2011-03-28 4:34 AM
2011-04-11 6:00 AM
Yes OBSEND adds a space in the s19 file name and cant create the file.
Its sort of documented in the release notes for 4.2.1, you can download the realese notes but NOT the software!2011-05-02 5:41 AM
You can download it from here:
http://www.st.com/internet/com/SOFTWARE_RESOURCES/TOOL/TOOLSET/sttoolset.zip and download patch1 http://www.st.com/internet/com/SOFTWARE_RESOURCES/TOOL/TOOLSET/sttoolset_pack24_patch1.zip