2006-05-11 1:53 AM
STR710 eval board, wiggler, cannot debug in flash
2006-04-26 6:31 AM
I have the STR710 eval board MB393B from ST and a wiggler clone from Olimex. I am using ocdremote and insight. I can download code compiled for RAM and debug that with this setup, but when I recompile for flash and try to debug in flash I get some very strange results. I can't view memory, and I can't step through my code. I have successfully debugged in flash using this setup and a Phillips LPC2294 ARM7 development board, so I know that my debugging setup is basically OK. I am missing something fundamental with my STR7 setup and would appreciate any hints or insights that anyone can give me. Has anyone successfully debugged flash code with this setup? If so, can you describe your switch setup on the STR7 eval board and post your initialization settings for ocdremote and insight?2006-05-05 1:01 AM
Did you enable Flash breakpoint support in OCDRemote ?
The STR710 works ok with the ocdremote - this is one of the tools in our ide - www.anglia.com/columbus. Regards sjo2006-05-05 1:26 AM
by the way, how do you enable or disable that flash brakepoint support for ocdremote? I checked the available options but did not find it... BR, Madis2006-05-05 1:30 AM
Use the monitor command - monitor softbkpts off
This is easier if done in a gdb script at startup. Download IDEaliST (its free) and all the ocdremote launching etc is done for you. We now use OpenOCD instead of OCDRemote as it is GNU. Regards sjo2006-05-07 9:28 PM
It supports the internal flash, support for external flash is being added.
Regards sjo2006-05-09 10:09 AM
I have few problems with anglia/openocd. I have two anglia installations in two different computers. Older one is ver 1. This one is flasing the target and compiling etc. The only problem is that it refuses to debug the target (takes several steps and hangs) As sjo pointed out, they are supporting openocd now, as its gnu. So I installed new anglia to another pc (dont know the version at the moment, but pretty fresh stuff as I did it few weeks ago). And now I have another problems: firstly, it refuses to flash the target. If I try to flash my board, the flasher plugin hangs. If I press cancel or ok, it shuts down entire ide and complains loudly. If I disconnect the target during the hang-up, it reports ''bootloader error'' and resumes back to normal (without flashing). Another thing is that I really cant do that ''softbkpts off trick''. If debugger starts, it finds the script and is happy (changes the prompt so it finds the file for sure). But if I connect to target and press continue, it does not find the brakepoint. But if I enter ''monitor softbkpts off'' manually to the pompt after connecting, it seems to work fine. I include my gdb scipt. Maybe somebody can help me with these issues, thank you, Madis ________________ Attachments : target.ini : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HtQ5&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aPk%2FSc9FZQVDdKggMFAdr8yxAKE9Vj2JTOqJTmLJvi8czJ0&asPdf=false2006-05-09 12:30 PM
I did resolve the initial problem. It had to do with my startup.s assembler code not properly branching to main, so the debugger would never gain control with a temporary hardware breakpoint set at 'main'. Once I fixed that I was able to gain control and step through code, etc. I remain confused as to why I can't gain control with debugger of the code in startup.s.
There was a secondary issue that helped to convince me that the debugger (Insight) was corrupted. That was that I also could not look at memory to see if my code was indeed correctly flashed to the place where I wanted it. Whenever I opened the memory window in Insight I got a window that only displayed the header information in the first line. Whenever I tried to expand it (using the windows dialog box grad handle) to see the contents of the memory that I was asking it to display I got a very strange message box complaining about how '\' was not allowed (or something to that effect). This resolved itself when I expanded the window to full screen and then contracted it back down to its original size. Voila, problem solved.2006-05-09 9:48 PM
It could be the wrong reset script called at insight attach.
There are two scripts you can call, ramreset and flashreset depending on where you are debugging from. Have a look in the getting started manual for correct procedure. Regards sjo2006-05-11 1:53 AM
I read the getting started guide, thanks for pointing it out. What I did was the following: took one sample target.ini script for STR710 and set up the insight ''target settings'' as in getting started guide. But still, problem remains. I am not able to flash the IC. And debugging (openocd) takes few steps and hangs. Now (with target.ini scripts) brakepoint seems to function. I tried to put brakepoint near to the beginning and it stopped there. But after trying to step any further, it hangs or takes step to somewhere very odd place. With anohter anglia installation flasing works but stepping doesnt either (ocdremote). But everything is ok with anohter micro (AT91) while using the same tools, stepping works just fine... Our local ST support provided me a sample board, I will try it out. Maybe my layout is odd (quick ''getting started'' autorouter board) or chip broken... But if any ideas, please let me know. BR, Madis