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STMicroelectronics: M24M01-DFMN6TP



We have a few questions for the M24M01-DFMN6TP.

  1. Is this part still active?
  2. What is the estimated year to EOL for this part?





Active but not recommended for new designs. Look at M24M01E


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Hi Tesla,

What is the estimated year to EOL for the M24M01-DFMN6TP?




NRND means they are already loathed to sell it to new customers, and what's in the channel is what's in the channel, until someone hoovers it up. General rule of thumb, is that if there's already a direct substitute/replacement being fabbed (a year ago), its probably cheaper and higher yielding, so they will be tacking hard away from the old part. You should enquire with your sales rep, that's the usual way to get definitive commitments, or for them to know if you're going to be interested in last-buy orders.

There's a 10-Year commitment (10) on this new one, bit understated honestly. Much bigger logo / medallion in the Data Sheet.

@Peter BENSCH prognosis / outlook ?



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Firstly: M24M01-DF and M24M01E-F differ in some details (e.g. configurable device address).

Then: as @Tesla DeLorean mentioned, the M24M01-DFMN6TP is already NRND flagged, but no date can be given for the discontinuation, so it could happen at any time. It is therefore strongly advisable to replace the M24M01, which has been in production since 2006 (at that time only the 1.8V variant -R), with the M24M01E-FMN6TPx. If you also use the pins Chip Enable E1 and E2 with values other than 00, you can use the M24M01E-FMN6TP1... -FMN6TP3 for example.

Hope that helps?


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