2004-02-18 10:33 PM
2004-02-18 8:38 PM
dear sir,
Can I use pllx4 in 3.3v-5V range? In fact in my project, the system work normally in 5v range and after the 5v power supply down and a 3.6V battery is power up. Because I hope the Fcpu is 8MHz, so if I use 2MHz Resonator with PLLx8 in 5V, but Can I use PLLx8 in 3.3V range? Looking forward any response ASAP! Thanks a lot! apple xu2004-02-18 10:33 PM
The operating voltage range of PLLx4 is 2.4v to 3.3V and
that of PLLx8 is 3.3V to 5.5V.