2004-02-25 9:55 PM
2004-02-25 9:22 PM
Can anybody tell me where I can find information about how to make a 'project.prm' file with Codewarrior? I'd like to know how the memory location is done. In the Codewarrior demo files I get something like: __________________________________________ SECTIONS Z_RAM = READ_WRITE 0x0080 TO 0x00FF; RAM = READ_WRITE 0x0100 TO 0x017F; ROM = READ_ONLY 0xE000 TO 0xFFDF; PLACEMENT DEFAULT_ROM, ROM_VAR, STRINGS INTO ROM; _ZEROPAGE ,_OVERLAP INTO Z_RAM; DEFAULT_RAM INTO RAM; END STACKTOP 0x1FF ____________________________________________ Can anybode tell me wher I can find information about what '_ZEROPAGE' or 'DEFAULT_RAM' means? In my project, Codewarrior tells me that I have to many variables in the DEFAULT_RAM. Why don't I have acces to the memory from 0x0080 to 0x00FF. How can I use the full RAM space from 0x0080 to 0x01FF? Thank you for help!2004-02-25 9:55 PM
I just found the solution. Maybe it helps somebody.
__________________________ PLACEMENT DEFAULT_RAM INTO RAM, Z_RAM; END __________________________ The objects from section `DEFAULT_RAM' are allocated first in segment `RAM'. As soon as the segment `RAM' is full, allocation continues in section `Z_RAM'.