2003-02-11 3:29 AM
2003-02-03 4:21 AM
Why does the low voltage detection take so much current (.2mA)
What could I use instead to save current? Why does the ST7Lite2 take so long for the current to settle?2003-02-06 8:01 PM
All the LVD/AVD on ST7 devices consume only 200µA, not 2mA! Try to remeasure!
2003-02-06 8:22 PM
On 2003-02-07 09:31, stef wrote: All the LVD/AVD on ST7 devices consume only 200µA, not 2mA! Try to remeasure! That what I've said , look there is a decimal point before the 2 !!!!!!!!!! 200µA is still a lot, should be less than 100µA Can you turn the AVD off? Is there a better cheap off board solution??? Any other good advice for saving current I basically need to save an extra 200µA to meet my traget (Which I get if I turn the LVD off, but then the device doesnt reset correctly) With the ST 216, the LVD does not use no where near as much current A part from the current, I think the ST7Lite2 is a very good processor![ This message was edited by: Vandenplas on 07-02-2003 09:54 ]2003-02-11 3:19 AM
Sorry I missed the dot!
The LVD can be used without the AVD, but it won't consume 0µA! You can maybe use an external LVD circuitery...Or in order to reduce current, think to configure all the unused I/Os as output at 0 and use as much as possible the low power modes (AWU,SLOW,WAIT,Active-Halt, HALT, you have the choice!). THis will save much more than 200µA!!2003-02-11 3:29 AM
Re:Sorry I missed the dot! ...
An external LVD sounds a good idea. Or could I connect a compactor from Ground to the reset pin to create a spike which will reset the processor. I’m using all the slow modes etc, but unfortunately I’m still 200µA over budget. Hence why I need to remove the LVD as it takes too much current Any external LVD's that you recommend – Are they cheap? Why does the Lite take so much current compared with the 216 for the LVD?