2003-10-22 4:19 AM
ST7FLITE2 autoreload timer....doesn't
2003-10-22 3:43 AM
I've had no problem with the two lite timers, but I want to use the 12bit autoreload timer to interrupt on overflow. This is so i can divide exactly and still awake from active halt.
It just doesn't seem to interrupt (even if I don't 'halt') I'm running off a 32khz crystal, trying to run slow and halt a lot to save power zzzzzzzzzz! Here's my set up code. PADDR=0x07; // Configure PA0,1,2 O/P PAOR=0x07; // similar to ex1 PADR=0x07; // LEDS ON PBDDR=0x00; // Configure PB0..7 I/P PBOR=0x00; // floating ATRH=0x0B; // reload value for timer ATRL=0xFF; // reload value for timer ATCSR=0x0A; //ENABLE 12 bit TIMER INTERUPT Ta for any help/suggestions Del the Cat2003-10-22 4:19 AM
Found it. The counter doesnt reload until AFTER the first overflow.
This means the first period is very long when working at 32Khz! I was after a 1second interrupt...more like 5 mins! Peace and chill Mioaww