2006-03-27 8:00 PM
ST7FLite with internal RC-oscillator
2005-04-26 12:00 AM
Hi All,
I've a special question in using the internal RC-oscillator of the ST7FLite2X. The manual says: Internal RC OscillatorIn this mode, the tunable 1%RC oscillator is used
as main clock source. The two oscillator pins have
to be tied to ground.My question is: What can happen, if I don't connect the two pins to ground? Fact is, that I leave them open - to an alternative option with a quartz - with two 22nF capacitors and can't recognize any fault. Thanks for any suggestions WoRo
2006-03-27 8:00 PM
I'm launching my question again, hoping that finally one of the so called moderators will bother to give an answer, or any other in this forum is able to do so.
Waiting again and thanks in advance WoRo