2008-08-21 5:57 AM
2008-05-23 12:11 AM
I am using an ST72F60E1 device, trying to program through an RLINK USB programmer. I've actually had this working before, but coming back to it after a few months and now I'm getting this error: ''Error : Cannot communicate with the device ! Option Bytes are Enabled on the device. Check the ICC cable connection and check all the needed pin connections on the ICP connector.'' I've double- and triple-checked the ICC connections, and I'm sure they're correct. I'm using a 12MHz crystal on the board, which is producing a steady clock. The application power supply is 5v from the USB bus. What are the possible sources of this error? It must be something simple...2008-05-25 9:47 PM
You can try to change booten bits set to load from external (1,1,1).Then erase flash and set booten to load from flash (0,0,0). r,A2008-05-26 10:23 PM
OK, how do I do that? I am using ST7 Visual Programmer.
2008-05-27 3:08 AM
Afraid you don't, silicon.ray is confusing your device with the strxx family.
Normally just check your have the latest version of Visual Programmer Could also try checking the reset line for to much capacitance. Are the ICC line shared with your application? Cheers sjo2008-08-21 5:57 AM
I am using the latest version of ST7VP/ST7VD, the reset line has no capacitance (that was a problem before), and the ICCDATA/ICCCLK are not shared by the application.
Having tried the RLINK with another board and MCU, that's not working either, so maybe I've somehow damaged the programmer...