2003-06-11 8:37 AM
ST62E30B: problem with UART and transmitting bytes
2003-06-10 7:40 AM
The UART works good in receiving, but isn't possible to transmit bytes.
The transmitted charachters are not the same as I load in the UART Data register. A simple programm without interrupts doesn't work too. Here the simple (test-)code: loop3: ldi uscr,003h ; 2400 Baud 8Data 2 Stopbits, ; no Interrupt at 8MHz ldi v,100 call wait ; 100 ms ld a,x ld udsr,a inc x jp loop3 The Port PD5 (TXD) is configured as an Output PP and is initialized with a 1-Level. Perhaps, Is there an undocumented OptionByte for the UART? Ho can I resolve my Problem? Helmut2003-06-10 9:16 PM
The ST6230 supports inverted emission so you have to connect an external inverter on the UART output (PD5). I hope this solves your problem... Regards Bood2003-06-11 8:37 AM
Hi Bood,
Thank you very much. Now it works. Helmut