2008-09-24 11:29 AM
ST10Flasher.dll - calling LoadFile() in VC6++ -> Access Violation
2007-11-13 3:57 AM
I'm trying to write a tool for programming the ST10F273 and ST10F276 based on the ST10Flasher.dll Rev 2.4B!
I got all the Process-addresses (GetProcAddr ())! It's possible to init the monitor-routine (InitMonitor() and IsMonitorAlive()) and to erase the onchip- flash. Unfortunately I always get the errormessage: ''... 0xC0000005 Access Violation'' by calling the function LoadFile (''application.hex''); According to the ST10 Flasher DLL user-manual (Rev. 1.01 from 28-05-01 -> can`t find any newer) the function prototype is: unsigned int LoadFile (char *filename) What do I have to do? Where can I get the latest user-manual? regards Wolfgang2008-04-11 2:25 AM
Hello Wolfgang,
I have the same problem at the moment. Do you have a resolution? Thanks in advance. Dietmar2008-09-24 11:29 AM
Hello wolfgang.hennemann,
Could you share the link to the ST10 Flasher DLL user-manual (Rev. 1.01 from 28-05-01) ? I even haven't found it in the google. Thanks2010-03-23 6:51 AM
Hello together,
any news about this problem? I searched everywhere and found nothing. Thanks in advance, Ede