2003-12-09 1:22 AM
ST10F276 , XIR0SEL setting problems
2003-12-08 4:09 AM
I have problems with ST10F276 trying to write in registers XIRaSEL (a=0..3) (or associated registry used to set or clear, XIRaSET, XIRaCLR a=0..3). I tried to use it for XSSC, and for this I set accordingly SYSCON, XPERCON, XPEREMU, XSSCPORT, and the XSSC is able to generate clock and to send the message at MTSR pin. The problem appeared when I tried to set the interrupts; I set first XP1IC enabling the interrupts but seems to be impossible to store something in enabling section of XIR0SEL registry; I tried to write with bitmask: XIR0SEL |= 0x1800; or using the special registry XIR0SET, XIR0CLR XIR0SET = 0x1800; XIR0CLR = 0xFFFF; but the result is the same: if I read the value in reg. immediately after write, the printed result is the correct one, but if I print it again the result is corrupted 0x010A; Even more, after trying to clear it making XIR0CLR = 0xFFFF; the value in XIR0SEL was not 0x0000 but 0xFFFF, at first read and after this became again 0x010A; Must the enable section of the register XIR0SEL be set again after every interrupt, being cleared when an interrupt arrive? It is clear for me that the flags section are modified by interrupt, but also the enable section will be overwritten? Maybe the XIRaSEL registry are not visible because I miss some settings, but I don't know which are these!!! Could somebody help me with a little piece of code, related to this issue? Thank you very much in advance. Marian2003-12-08 4:34 AM
Hello Marian,
Check that you have enabled the access to the XIRaSEL registers. To do this the bit 10 of XPERCON, XMISCEN, must be set. Kenshin2003-12-09 1:22 AM
Hello Kenshin,
You are right, this was the problem. Now everything seems to be OK. But in user manual and datasheet the informations about this XMISCEN flag are very poor and confuse. Thank you very much for help. MarianQuote:
On 2003-12-08 18:04, Kenshin wrote: Hello Marian, Check that you have enabled the access to the XIRaSEL registers. To do this the bit 10 of XPERCON, XMISCEN, must be set. Kenshin