2006-03-21 8:25 PM
2006-03-21 6:10 PM
Does anyone know a free/commerial software for embedded flash programming that allows to lock sectors? can you please point me to the right directions? thank, Uri.2006-03-21 6:47 PM
Hello Ukatry,
ST Microelectronics provides a free tool for the ST10F276 internal flash programming: ST10Flasher. This tools supports only the following operations: - Program - Blank check - Erase - Dump(Read) - Compare For more infos about the supported tasks, please refer to the attached doucment. Regards, Najoua. ________________ Attachments : ST10Flasher_Manual.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0L1&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bXa%2FY6R1KzH2gYYvmzMtkIboelgSybZ48mEKzIU9KjNXjTM&asPdf=false2006-03-21 6:56 PM
thanks for the prompt replay, can i get the source code of the flasher, in order to make the changes i need? thaks, Uri.