2007-05-18 2:56 AM
2007-05-18 2:56 AM
I have been read the Xflash and Iflash, bu now I whant erase the Chip
I have see that example : Sector erase Example: Sector Erase of sectors B3F1 and B3F0 of Bank 3 in XFLASH Module. FCR0H|= 0x0800; /*Set SER in FCR0H*/ FCR1H|= 0x0003; /*Set B3F1, B3F0*/ FCR0H|= 0x8000; /*Operation start*/ I assemble code for access @ address 0xe0002 FCR0H, can I use this sequence ? mov R7,#38h mov R6,#02h exts R7,#1 mov R5,[R6] bset R5.7 exts R7,#1 mov [R6],R5 I can ? thanks.