2007-01-18 12:31 AM
ST10F269 doesn't work after reset
2007-01-08 3:40 AM
I have following problem: My microcontroller and the program on it work very well. But when I reset it with a short low level on RSTIN pin it doesn't start again and pin RSTOUT stays low. Can someone help me?2007-01-09 3:04 AM
Hi Neila,
the hardware on RPD is like in the data sheet (R0 = 1M, C0 = 10uF). The duration of the hardware reset pulse is half a second or longer. The level on RPD at rising edge of RSTIN is 0V. The level on EA at rising edge of RSTIN is 5.0V. The level on P0L.4 at rising edge of RSTIN is 2.5V. (Is this too less?) Regards, Juergen2007-01-09 3:36 AM
... I have to correct my last answer: The level on P0L.4 at rising edge of RSTIN is 5.0V and after 150us 2.5V (there is an FPGA with 2.5V which influences this signal).
2007-01-10 10:23 PM
Hi Neila,
I will try it with the other values. I need the BSL mode only to download the program onto the internal flash. But I don't need it in this case. SYSCON is 0414h. After reset it never works. After power up it works most times (this means to 95%) but I think that this has the same reason. Regards, Juergen2007-01-14 7:27 PM
... now I have tried it with the other values but this had no effect. :-[
2007-01-15 8:09 PM
Have you or someone else any other idea?
2007-01-15 9:02 PM
Hi Jürgen,
I remember having observed occasional failures at normal power-up like you. Maybe it helps you: I found out that when I used a different supply the problem got worse. The normal config was a small switching regulator on board, when I used a laboratory psu instead it resulted in about 50% failure. Experimenting with the RPD, EA or RSTIN configuration looks fishy to me. Up to now I could not see any reliable solution in any other thread! Other MCUs can start reliable - ST is challenged in this case - we're only waisting a lot of time on this issue :-(. Manitux :-?2007-01-18 12:31 AM
Hi Manitux,
that's really strange. But I use this MCU on two other pcbs, too. And here I don't have any problems with power up. Only on this board. Ok, here I use only a laboratory psu for power supply and not a dc/dc-converter like on the other boards. But when I tried the dc/dc converter solution on the non-working pcb I had the same effect. So, I think, this can't have something to do with the power supply. Additionally I have to say that I have this problem only when I switch the power supply off and on very fast (half a second or less). When I wait one second (or longer) between switching off and on I never have this problem. And I have this effect always when I reset the MCU. That is the second reason why this can't have something to do with the power supply. What I think is that the MCU goes into the BSL mode after reset (or power up) but I don't know why (see the other posts above). :-? Regards, Juergen