2008-03-02 1:35 AM
sowftware reset and pheripherals(RTC) configuration
2008-03-02 1:35 AM
I have strange problem, I am running a application using the JTAG IDE(crossworks) the application runs properly , but when I start the application by switching the power off and on then the application hangs . boot loader is running and it starts the application. Before application is started all the peripherals are reseted.I do not know how to debug it. I has some basic questions. 1) If you run your application form the JTAG (application starts form boot block 1) , and there is a boot loader. does the boot loader runs first then the application is started ? 2)found a strange behavior , the application runs(power ON/OFF cycle) when I configure the RTC for a second alarm interrupt . In the bootloader code the RTC is configured for the alarm interrupt. my question is In bootlader the RTC is configured and then the startup code is called where the software reset is performed, which clears all the peripherals registers including the RTC registers and clock configurations newly done, does the registers are not clearly reset , how do I check it? I might sound bit confusing . but any help how to debug it would be relay great. Regards,