2005-04-15 4:25 PM
2005-04-05 2:31 AM
I am a student of Computer Science & Informatics (University of Maribor, Slovenia). I write a term paper about microprocessors ''Comparison of Processors''. One of the processors that should be described in my term paper is ''SGS Thomson STPC Pictor''.
I have been searching on the Web for ''STPC Pictor'', however without success (only one relevant article at www.st.com) http://www.st.com/stonline/press/news/year2000/t896n.htm If you could provide me with any kind of information (mostly technical data, if possible) or internet address regarding STPC Pictor, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance! Robert B.2005-04-10 7:16 AM
as long as i know Pictor project was dropped
instead, they suggested silicon motion's embedded VGA card option. but actually silicon motion stopped to support embedded VGA business. no new design would be supported by silicon motion. so pictor is a history.2005-04-15 4:25 PM
This is really too bad. The Pictor would have been the only single-chip on the market with legacy support, low-end VGA, and enough horsepower to run modern PC-compatible OSes. Everything that one needs in an embedded product. There was a market for such a product, there still is one. But when a product reaches the market three years after it's been announced, what kind of reaction can you expect from your customer base. It quickly becomes a ''wait and see''. No marketing department can survive three generations of delayed products. I lost most of my customers because of those CPU delays. The pictor is history. A really sad story.