2006-05-02 10:57 PM
2006-04-06 10:26 PM
I use the STR7-RVDK Version 2.1 Build 380 and I'm looking for newer builds to solve the Linker problem with undefined symbols (L6218E). Has anybody an idea where to find updates for the STR RealView Developer Kit for ST.
2006-04-07 1:22 AM
Join the club! (Me too!)
You can see from some of my earlier posts seeking these updates that ST do not answer. I hope you have more luck. I think we should be told we are buying into an unsupported dead end product before we put so much effort into setting up etc. The ST RVDK distrabution is quite old now. Also there are a number of features removed from armcc and fromelf such as the ability to show assembly listings. The features are in the doco for the compiler / linker as supplied with RVDK and in the sales brochure but when you go to use them they are just unrecognised and ST later confirmed they have been removed. Perhaps if every one else who would like the last 18 months of updates for their RVDK product could email ST - then ST may get updates from ARM.2006-04-27 5:17 AM
Dear Ibtiss,
thank you very much for your hints. Please find the additional information: I work on a new project, which was started with RVDK 2.1; therefore possible problems with upgrading project builts from Version RVDK 1.0 can be excluded; in the project file the line ''processor_=ARM-C21'' is correct; I solved the problem with the undefined symbols (Error L6218E) by using the precompiled library ''71xLibraryD.lib'' instead of the source files of the lib; but now there is a conflict, when using the UART0 together with the line ''#define DEBUG'' in the file 71x_conf.h; the linker now reports the error L6200E, that the symbols of the activated peripheral (_UART0, _BSPI1, _EIC, _EMI, ...) are ''multiply defined (by 71x_lib.o and 71x_lib.o)''. Do you an idea what is going wrong ? Regards Seifert