2006-11-26 7:08 PM
Running I-Flash function in debug (ST10F276)
2006-11-26 4:00 AM
Hello all.
I have a function in I-Flash (0x18064) which contains 3 NOPs ONLY. In my debug program I have: 1) FuncA which calls FuncB which calls FuncC which call the I-Flash function. 2) Interupt handlers for faults. I run the program freely, and get TFR=8 (protection fault). How can it be? What can I do? I don't want to debug the I-Flash function. I want to step over the FuncA, or put a break point some lines afterwards... Can send the project to you for trying? Ran2006-11-26 6:50 PM
Hello Ran,
Yes, you can send me the project. Najoua.2006-11-26 6:52 PM
Can you send me an EMAIL to reply?
RanA@Unitronics.com2006-11-26 7:08 PM
Could you please send your request to your ST contact and he will forward it to us.
Thank you for your understanding & regards, Najoua.